905-835-1186 211 Elgin St, Port Colborne, ON L3K 3K4

"FREQUENCY" Vocal Ensemble

Meets Every Thursday from  2:30pm to 3:30pm
Room 16

Follow us on Instagram! @pchs.music
Frequency was founded in January of 2009 and is directed by Ms. Leonard, the music teacher at PCHS. To be a member of this ensemble, you must have successfully completed one semester of vocal music or have equivalent proficiency in reading and singing standard musical notation. Frequency specializes in singing music in a variety of styles in 3-part harmony.

They meet to rehearse every Thursday from 2:30pm to 3:30pm in room 16, and are expected to practice regularly on their own as well. There is no cost to students to be a part of this or any other ensemble except the purchase of a "Blue Bear Music" uniform golf shirt that is mandatory for all performances. All of these ensembles as well as the music class ensembles participate regularly in various performance opportunities throughout the year. Check back with this website regularly for dates and locations and be sure to take in a performance or two in support of our students and their hard work at PCHS.

Upcoming Events

choir Frequency Frequency casual music

Ryan Cayouette
Anandi Dajka
Jordyn Goins
Emily Johnson
Evan Pen
Caitlynn van Kralingen

"Frequency" in the News