Are you new to Port Colborne / Wainfleet?
Are you a new student to the Port Colborne / Wainfleet area? We invite you to contact the school and make an appointment with the principal or vice-principal for an interview. We will require proof of identification (normally a birth certificate), proof of address, (a bill or statement of where you reside), a copy of your most recent report card, transcript or credit counselling summary from the last school attended, and the name and address of your last school.
If you are new to Canada, including coming from the United States, you will need to first contact the DSBN Welcome Centre in St. Catharines at 905 641 2929 and make arrangements to meet with a Welcome Centre representative.
I already live in Port Colborne / Wainfleet and attend another school.
We invite you to contact the school and make an appointment with the principal or vice-principal for an interview. We will require proof of identification (normally a birth certificate), proof of address, (a bill or statement of where you reside), a copy of your most recent report card, transcript or credit counselling summary from the last school attended, and the name and address of your last school.
I am over 18 years old. Do you have adult classes?
There are some adult programs offered at PCHS. These programs are offered through the Lifetime Learning Centre. Adult learners are encouraged to contact the Lifetime Learning Centre in St. Catharines for more information.