905-835-1186 211 Elgin St, Port Colborne, ON L3K 3K4

Are you searching for a copy of your high school transcript?

We may be able to supply you with a copy of your transcript. Students who have graduated from Port Colborne High School within the last 5 years can request a copy of their transcript from the Guidance Department at Port Colborne High School. There is a fee for the transcript. Payment is required at the time of pick up. Please contact the Guidance Department Secretary for additional information.

I graduated more than 5 years ago. What do I do?

You will need to contact Transcript Services for the District School Board of Niagara.Please click here to access Transcript Services.


I went to another high school after Port Colborne High School.

If you graduated from Port Colborne High School and then attended another high school in Ontario, your transcript would be available from the last high school you attended.