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Getting the university experience NOW!

Oct 23, 2020
Ryan Waines is taking part of the Brock U. mentorship program.

Ryan Waines is spending part of this semester studying at Brock University while still completeing his grade 12 year.  He's part of a team studying male body image, which is still a fairly new field in kinesiology literature. More specifically, he's applying social self preservation theory to male body image to better understand it. "Basically Social Self Preservation Theory (SSPT) states that when faced with a possible loss of social standing a series of pyschobiological (psychological/physiological) responses are elicited to help with coping/withdrawl. In my experiments, we will be taking anthropometric measurements on university males and a male confederate at the same time. The confederate will represent the male idea in order to induce feelings of shame and social-evaluative threat in the male participant." From this experience he hopes to get a new outlook on the social aspect of science to make his science education more well rounded.   He earns 2 senior level science credits for his work.

Pictured above: From left to right, Larkin Lamarche (PCHS Alumni & Current Grad student), Dr. Kim Gammage, me, Brianne Ozimok (Grad student)